Editing all users file and folder path notifications

You can edit the notifications that users have defined for file and folder paths on the Manage Notifications screen. The screen shows all notifications assigned to paths for all users in your system.

To edit user-defined notifications on file and folder paths:

  1. To open the Manage Notifications screen, in the navigation panel, click Notifications.

  2. Click the edit icon in the row for the file or folder.

    The Notification Settings for <file/folder> dialog box opens:

    3. Edit the notification settings:

    • If you want to reset the user's settings to the defaults, check Use default notification settings. Use my own notification settings and all of the settings below it become unselected. If the user is permitted to override your settings, they may turn back on Use my own notification settings but will have to reset the individual settings.
    • If you want to to turn off notifications temporarily, uncheck Send Notifications; otherwise, leave it checked.
    • If you want to edit which types of actions users are notified about, check and uncheck the boxes under Send notifications on.
    • If you want the user to receive notifications when they have performed an action on the file or folder, check the Self Notifications box.
    • If the user has Use default notification settings checked you can select Use my own notification settings and check Send Notifications and then check the boxes of the actions you want users notified about.