Viewing ServerLink Information

To view information about ServerLink's configuration and execution, go to Settings > ServerLink.
The ServerLink tab has four sub-tabs:

ServerLink Status

The Status tab displays information about the primary server and each of its secondary servers.
The following images display a configuration with one primary server and two secondary servers; if there were additional secondary servers, boxes representing each of them would also appear for them in the images.

User is signed in to the secondary server

The following information is displayed for the servers:

  • (This Server) - indicates which of the represented servers is your server. For example, if you were logged into one of the secondary servers, its node would display (This Server).
  • Copy icon - when you click this icon,  you can copy the primary and secondary servers' status information.
  • Info icon - displays ServerLink internal information about node journal version.
  • Icon in box - indicates server status.
    If the server is running, a check on a green background appears:

    Depending on the time lapse found in certain time settings on the nodes, a red error icon or a yellow warning icon is displayed.
    Hover over the icon for information about the error or warning.

    If the amount of time is greater than an error threshold, a red error icon appears:

If the amount of time is greater than a warning threshold but less than an error threshold, a yellow warning icon appears:

Understanding warning and error messages

When you hover over the red or yellow icon you may see one of the following messages:

  • Last pull date older than the given threshold
    This indicates that the secondary node is not communicating with the primary node.
    If the last pull date was older than the error threshold, an error icon is shown; if the last pull date was older than the warning threshold but more recent than the error threshold, a warning icon is shown.
  • Node journal version is older than the given threshold
    This indications that the nodes are not synchronizing. When journal versions were checked, one of the journals was older than either the warning or the error threshold.
    If it was older than the error threshold, an error icon is shown; if it was older than the warning threshold but more recent than the error threshold, a warning icon is shown.

The default warning threshold is 15 minutes, and the default error threshold is 120 minutes. To change these:

  1. Open cloudconfig.php.
    • Windows Location : C:\xampp\htdocs\config\cloudconfig.php
    • Linux Location : /var/www/html/config/cloudconfig.php
  2. Add the warning or error setting below, and change the number of minutes. 


  • Journal records - Number of log records for ServerLink sync operations. 
  • Last Pull - Last time secondary server pulls data from primary server.
  • Last Push - Last time secondary server pushes data to primary server.
  • Users - Users on this node
  • Files - Number of files on this node.
    Note: When servers synced, number of users and files on the nodes appear the same.

ServerLink Settings

See ServerLink Installation and Configuration.

ServerLink Journal

The journal is a log of all ServerLink syncing actions:

The columns in the Journal tab give the following information:

Created Date - Date and time that the sync action occurred.

Origin - The name of the ServerLink node where the journal record was created.

Type - Type of action.

Context - Area of system where action occurred.

ServerLink Alerts

ServerLink alerts inform a user about certain types of incidents that occur during ServerLink syncing, such as removal of a duplicate record or a request error.

The columns in the alerts give the following information:

Created Date - Time and date incident alert was created (approximate time and date incident occurred).

Level - Severity of incident.

Type - Type of incident (for example, error or resolved conflict).

Context - File or folder incident applies to, if any.

Status - Description of incident.