iOS File Sync

Automatic synchronization of files and folders between your iOS device and the FileCloud server is available in the FileCloud iOS App version 4.9 and later.

You can choose to synchronize FileCloud folders and their contents with your iOS device:

  • Download files on your device to access them while offline
  • Update your local version of a file when the remote version has changed
  • Add new local files that will be uploaded remotely when connectivity is available

When you activate this option you can choose between:

Two Way SyncThis option will download changes from server as well as upload changes from the device back to the server
Download Only

This option will ignore any changes made to local downloaded files and will download changes from the server only

In order to synchronize a file, the following requirements must be met:

Locally renaming the root sync folder is detected as a deletion of that folder during two-way syncing, so the renamed root folder will be remotely deleted on the server and no further sync will happen from there on.
This limitation only happens when renaming the root folder, and not when renaming its child items.

Settings that configure FileCloud sync can be viewed and managed from the Settings screen. The Files and folders setting is enabled by default; if you disable it, files and folders that you individually configure for automatic syncing will not sync automatically.

To access sync settings:

  1. Open the FileCloud iOS app.
  2. Tap the menu icon in the upper left of the screen.

    A navigation pane opens.
  3. Tap Settings.
  4. Make any changes to the Synchronization settings.

    Automatic SyncEnabled by default. Turns on automatic syncing for files and folders that are enabled for syncing. If this is disabled, even files and folders enabled for syncing are not synced automatically.
    Data UsageDisabled by default, so that synchronization only occurs when your device is connected to wifi. When enabled, synchronization occurs over wifi or cellular data.

All files in the folder and its sub folders are marked for sync. Empty folders are not synced.

To enable automatic sync:

  1. Open the FileCloud iOS app.
  2. Navigate to the folder you want to automatically sync when changes are made to its contents.
  3. Tap the more (three dot) icon next to the file or folder.

    File options appear.
  4. Tap Available Offline.

    A Select sync mode dialog box opens.
  5. Choose Download Only or Two Way Sync.

    Now this folder and its contents are automatically synced either as a one-way download or in both directions based on your selection, and an Available Offline icon appears next to the folder:

When the synchronization setting Files and Folders is enabled in the FileCloud app settings and specific files and folders are configured for automatic syncing, sync will occur automatically at intervals. However, you can initiate syncing of configured files and folders at any time by tapping Sync now.

To initiate a sync manually:

  1. Open the FileCloud iOS app.
  2. Tap the menu icon in the upper left of the screen.

    A navigation pane opens.
  3. Tap Sync now.

    The Sync button now displays Syncing and rotating arrows to indicate that synchronization is taking place for all sync-enabled files and folders. 

You can see the results of your recent offline sync operations in the File Operations window.

To access the File Operations window:

If you perform a manual sync by tapping Sync Now, the File Operations window automatically opens when the sync begins.
If you want to check results of previous syncs, either automatic or manual, tap the menu icon in the upper left of the screen, and in the navigation pane, tap File Operations.

Tap the menu icon in the upper left of the screen.

Then tap File Operations.

The File Operations window opens at the bottom of the screen.

To view the results of Sync operations:

  1. Select the Syncs tab if it is not already selected.
    The Syncs tab lists recently completed and in progress file/folder sync operations and media sync operations.
  2. To view a log of the actions performed during the sync or to view a sync in progress, tap the arrow to the right of the sync listing.

    File/folder sync log

    Media sync in progress

To filter sync logs

You can filter sync logs by tapping the drop-down arrow next to the Filter Logs field and choosing an option.

For example, if you want to see a list of sync errors, you can choose Error to view them all together.
To view a particular error in context of the log, tap the info icon next to it.

A More Details box shows you the error as it appears within the log, so you can see its context.


To disable automatic sync:

  1. Open the FileCloud iOS app.
  2. Navigate to the folder you no longer want to sync automatically.
  3. Tap the more (three dot) icon next to the file or folder.

  4. Tap Available offline.

    You are prompted with the message "Stop syncing <foldername>?"
  5. Tap Stop Syncing.

    Automatic syncing no longer occurs, but your previously synced local files remain on your device. The Available Offline icon no longer appears next to the folder:

Log files are saved in your Offline Files folder.

To get Offline Sync logs:

  1. Open the FileCloud iOS app.
  2. Tap the menu icon in the upper left of the screen.

    A navigation pane opens.
  3. Tap Offline files.

    Your Offline Files folder opens.
  4. Tap the Logs sub-folder to access your offline log files.
  5. View or download any of the log files.