eSignature Integration

Integration of FileCloud with Signority's eSignature platform is available in FileCloud versions 23.241.4 and higher.

To ensure that your connection to Signority works properly, if you are using a firewall or blocking public connections, please allow requests from, Signority's IP address.

FileCloud can be configured to integrate with Signority's eSignature platform to enable your users to submit files for eSignatures. 

How the eSignature process works

In FileCloud, the user selects one or more files to be signed. FileCloud creates a new PDF containing the file or files and prompts the user to specify a name for the PDF, a location for the signed document in FileCloud, and recipients who will be sent the document for signing. (The original files remain as they are, and can be used to create other signature documents.)

After the eSignature document is created, the user sends it from FileCloud to Signority and is prompted to add signature fields to the document for each recipient. The user then directs Signority to send signing requests to each recipient.
Users have the option of sending a document for eSignature or digital signature. To understand the difference between eSignatures and digital signatures, see signority-esignature-vs-digital-signature-infographic.pdf

The user can now follow the signature document's status in FileCloud when the recipients sign it, and it moves from In Progress to Completed. The user also receives emails when each recipient finishes signing the document and when all recipients have finished signing.

Now, the user can access the signed PDF in the FileCloud location specified for storing the signed document.

The signer's experience

The signer receives an email alerting them that a documenting is waiting for them to sign it. The signer clicks a link in the email to access the document in Signority. Once the user has reviewed the document in Signority they can sign it, and their task is complete. Signority automatically sends the signed document back to FileCloud.

Prerequisites for FileCloud/Signority integration

  • You must have a trial or paid Signority account, obtained either prior to setting up integration or obtained through FileCloud's admin portal eSignature screen. 
  • eSignature must be enabled in a user's policy for the user to be able to use the eSignature feature. By default, the feature is enabled in all policies.
  • Document Converter must be installed and running in FileCloud. 

File types supported for eSignature

The file types currently supported in FileCloud for eSignature are:

  • PDF
  • DOCX
  • PPTX
  • PNG

File types that are not supported for eSignature do not show the eSignature option in the More [...] drop-down list.


  • The combined size of all files in a single signing request may not exceed 50 MB.
  • Translations of the user interface are available in Arabic, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.
  • Audit details are omitted by default, but can be returned combined with an eSignature document or as a separate file. See To return audit details, below, for information on returning audit details.
  • DLP rules that block files from being shared do not block them from being sent for eSignatures. 

Integrate FileCloud with Signority

The first time you access the eSignature screen you are required to either obtain a trial Signority account through FileCloud or enter the credentials for your existing Signority account

To enable eSignature:

  1. Install and run FileCloud Document Converter if it is not running already. For help, see FileCloud Document Converter.
  2. Go to Settings > Third Party Integrations > eSignature.
  3. Check Enable eSignature.
    Fields for creating a trial Signority Account appear along with the link Connect your account for users who already have accounts.

To create a trial Signority account:

  1. Enter the information requested, and click Create Signority Account.

    Your Signority account is created. The screen now appears as follows, with Enable eSignature checked and your API Key automatically filled in.
  2. Click Test to make sure integration with Signority works correctly.

    If the test returns a success message, FileCloud integration with Signority is complete, and your users are now able to obtain eSignatures on files.

    The trial account lasts for 90 days. You are sent notifications prior to expiration reminding you that before the trial expires, you must purchase a paid account to maintain eSignature capability.
    If you haven't purchased a paid account by the time your trial account expires, any documents already sent for eSignature can still be signed and processed; however, no new documents can be sent for eSignatures.

The eSignature screen includes Signority box that keeps count of the days remaining in your trial account and gives you links for viewing Signority account plans or contacting Signority sales:

Click contact sales to proceed with your Signority license purchase.

If you already have a Signority account:

    1. Click Connect your account.
    2. Enter your email address and password into the corresponding fields, and click Connect Account.

      The screen now appears as follows, with Enable eSignature checked and your API Key automatically filled in.
    3. Click Test to make sure integration with Signority works correctly.

      If the test returns a success message, FileCloud integration with Signority is complete, and your users are now able to obtain eSignatures on files.

To enable/disable eSignatures for certain users:

By default, the eSignature feature is enabled in users' policies.

  1. In the admin portal, go to Settings > Policies and open the specific user policy.
  2. Click the User Policy tab.
  3. Scroll down until you see the eSignature field.
  4. If eSignature is enabled and you want to disable it, choose NO in the drop-down list.
    If eSignature is disabled and you want to enable it, choose YES in the drop-down list.

    eSignature functionality is now active for your users. For information about the eSignature process for users, see eSignature Requests.

To return audit details

By default, when the eSignature document is returned to the destination path specified by the user, the document is returned without audit details. However, you may configure the process to either return a separate audit file or audit details attached to the eSignature document. 

When separate signed and audit files are configured, they appear in the destination folder as:

When audit details are attached to the eSignature document, the audit information follows the signature file in the eSignature pdf:

The options for receiving audit details are the following:

  • No audit details (default)
  • A separate audit file is sent to the destination with the eSignature document.
  • Audit details are attached to the eSignature document. 

To receive audit details either as a separate file or attached to the eSignature document, please Contact FileCloud Support.