File Browser - Outlook AddIn



The File Browser is similar to Windows Explorer or Mac OSX Finder. The files and folders in the File Browser are remote and stored in the Filecloud server rather than the local disk.

Starting with FileCloud 17.0, the Outlook add-in contains a remote file browser function to access, edit and view all files in FileCloud. This is an alternative to the web browser to access FileCloud. To open the File Browser, open the New Email window and click the File Browser button.
The File Browser user interface opens:


In the File Browser, you can navigate to different locations in FileCloud by different methods.

  • Use the left hand side folder tree to navigate to different folders


  • Double-click folders on the right hand side folder listing


You can also navigate to older locations that you previously visited by using the History back and forward arrows.

Upload Files or Folders

You can use the icons located in the top bar to upload a file.

Create a New Folder

Select the Create Folder icon to create a new folder in the current location.

Refresh a File Listing

In any file listing, select the Refresh Icon to refresh the file listing.

File Actions

The following actions are not available in all FileCloud folders and for all files in the File Browser.

Downloading Files

Right-click on a file and select download, then choose the local location to download to.

Renaming Items

Right-click the item you want to rename and select the 'Rename' option.
Enter a new name and hit "enter" or the "OK" button.

Locking and Unlocking Folders

Right-click on a folder and choose 'Lock' or 'Unlock'.

Adding to Favorites

Favorites are starred items in the FileCloud web browser.

Right-click on a folder and choose 'Add to Favorites'.

Quickly navigate to different folders or files saved in favorites by clicking Favorites > Default in the navigation pane.


Right-click on an item and choose "Share."