FileCloud Release Notes

FileCloud Version: 20.1 – June 19, 2020
General Patch Release: A problem in file explorer causing deleted files to remain in the cache after Drive was refreshed has been fixed
General Patch Release: A problem causing the activities panel to not refresh has been fixed
General Patch Release: A problem causing temporary files to be processed incorrectly has been fixed
General Patch Release: To commit Drive actions more quickly, a Commit Pending Changes To Server button has been added along with other modifications
General Patch Release: If a user changed a folder name and closed Drive while uploading files, the files and folders inside the folder disappeared. This has been fixed
General Patch Release: Creating and saving files did not work when automatic lock was enabled in Drive. This has been fixed
General Patch Release: In FileCloud Drive, when users right-clicked on a file and chose View FileCloud Drive Properties, the pop-up never finished loading. This has been fixed – June 11, 2020
General Bug Fix: Optimized uploads incorrectly marked as successful
General Bug Fix: Audit log timestamp not correct if the message queue is stopped and started again
General Bug Fix: Save S3 settings in admin UI fails to check the connection
General Bug Fix: Forgot password URL not honored by the user UI
General Bug Fix: ‘TONIDOCLOUDDISABLEADMINUSERDATA_ACCESS’ doesn’t prevent folder download
General Bug Fix: License expiration email is sent every 5 minutes
General Bug Fix: In the AD Group Members Import page, the options Disable Members and Remove Members are not saved
General Bug Fix: Fixed Allow Manage Share option – May 4, 2020
Major The Notification system has been redesigned to enable greater customization of notifications
Major ServerLink has been enhanced. New features include improved status reporting and instant folder creation
Major FileCloud now supports configuring up to six different IDPs for single sign-on (SSO)
Major FileCloud can now convert MS Office tags to FileCloud tags when it imports MS Office files
Major Support for integration with the SMS Gateway has been added
Major Sync automatically updates folder permissions when they are changed on the server
General Patch Release: A patch has been released for FileCloud Drive to fix a problem with the Drive installer
General The Apache version in FileCloud has been updated to version 2.4.43
General Google recaptcha now includes proxy support
General Admins can now view inherited user permissions as well as direct permissions to folder paths
General In ServerLink, dashboard error and status reporting has been enhanced
General In ServerLink, file timestamps are now propagated from a primary device to a secondary synced device
General ServerLink now sends admin emails when a critical event occurs
General In ServerLink, when a file is uploaded to a new folder name, the folder is now automatically created
General SSO Support has been added for he Outlook plugin
General Metadata Search has been implemented in Drive
General The Drive, Sync, and mobile apps now have Arabic language support
General A report to get all file activities by users has been added
General A report showing how many new users have logged in during a time period has been added
General A new customization option displays TOS every time a user logs in
General A folder’s inherited user list is available on all of its subfolder levels
General A report that shows details of share activities has been added
General Admins can now hide getting started information and other new login features in the Admin and user portals
General A new setting hides the default admin login page when SSO is enabled
General A new setting prevents admins from performing downloads and other operations on users’ files
General A new admin user setting, Full Admin, gives admin users full admin access
General A new option to view audit logs for moved files has been added to the Audit Logs page
General WOPI Preview has been added for public shares
General A new audit entry for the ClamAV scan logs ‘novirusfound’ and ‘virusremoved’ operations
General Upload and download reports now list the sizes of files uploaded or downloaded
General Admins can now resend the user creation welcome email
General The Statistics widget now enables admins to send the Admin Summary Email on demand
General Admins can now send imported users new account emails with or without their password included
General Admins can disable all user notifications, but users can override this for individual actions
General In Drive, users can now open files directly from the search result listing
General The setting Disable Activities for Limited Users gives admins control over limited users’ view of the Activities panel
General The Get User Login report now includes a parameter for setting the start time to a number of hours ago
General The setting Disable Getting Started Dialog in Customizations has been split into separate settings for the Admin and user interfaces
General When a whitelist domain DLP rule is violated, the recipient email is displayed in the audit record
General Users can now receive a daily digest of changes made to a shared file
General In a multi-tenant environment, the invalid log-in error message can be customized for each tenant
General In SMS, a phone number field has been added to Admin UI – User detail
General Right-click is now supported in MacDrive
General A Refresh button has been added to the Audit Log
General The multitenant superadmin account now requires an encrypted password
General The HTML tags < a >, < br >, and < p > are now supported in the DLP Rule Notification field
General After a period of time, the system now releases locks that DocIQ has placed on files
General SIEM will send metadata for audit entries if available
General In Sync, maximum entries in the list of unsynchronized files has been increased to 2000
General A daily digest notification of shared file changes is now available
General Configuration settings can override the time and day digest file change notifications are sent
General Access your Cloud: “” has been removed from the header
General System checks now display temporary space used
General The system now validates password length when an admin edits a user password
General ServerLink API key and password settings are now masked
General SIEM support for additional audit fields, including metadata and response, has been added
General The default audit mapper supports additional fields including metadata, request, and response
General Phone numbers from AD can now be added to the user account
General In Drive search, breadcrumb links open folders in file explorer, and the folder icon is a link that shows the folder path from the root
General A new Advanced Share Activity report shows a large number of share details
General Customization is now supported for the theme of the Drive interface
General In the User portal, Manage Folder Level Security lists users with inherited security to the folder
General Custom metadata is now included in audit logs of share and download operations
General Pre-20.1 notifications appear in a new collection “”notification_prior_201”
General Separate cookies are used for admin and user sessions so they don’t affect one another
General In Drive, if multi-mount is enabled, multiple users can start different sessions on the same host
General Now, the Manage Admin window and dashboard use the same labels: Smart DLP and Smart Classification
General In the Admin Portal, in Statistics, “Email sent in the last 24 hours” now has a tooltip and a report link
General For public shares, the user interface and URL no longer display the username
General Now, only logged-in users can subscribe to system emails
General On the user log-in page, the Account field no longer cuts off default information
General If DocIQ is disabled, a user cannot change a share from public to private (or private to public)
General In Customization > General > Login, “”user login screen”” is now “”login screen”” since the option applies to both admin and user portals
General When a file is moved using WebDAV, the file size now displays correctly
General Copy and Paste dialog boxes are now user-friendly
General The icon for an expired share has been updated
General Users can now log in to protected shares
General The Mail attribute is now required for AD to prevent log-in errors
General Sync now returns file modification times in UTC to ensure proper syncing
General There is now a setting “”Attach share password by default to public shares
General The & character is now allowed in Network Folder names
General Admins can now successfully import an AD user using email ID
General ServerSync no longer re-uploads deleted files
General In Sync, if there is a new conflict for a file conflict listed, Sync now updates the listing rather than adding a new listing
General Drive now shows the mount point in the main log-in window
General Functionality was fixed so that when the Admin UI setting “”Allow Account Sign Ups”” is set to false, account sign-ups are prevented
General An error was fixed so that moving a user or a group from Available users to Policy users also clears it from Available users
General In Drive and Sync, the DocIQ Comment Box now allows entering comments
General When new users are required to enter a new password, they are prevented from adding the existing password
General Now, a promoted admin’s name and email address appears in the Your Name field so they can send share emails
General More description is now used in labels and definitions of fields in the ICAP settings
General In the api endpoints for 2fa actions, an unvalidated token param sent from the UI is now validated
General Missing DLL’s have been added to the default Drive installation to fix DocIQ problems
General Size fields in the user interface now round numbers to 2 digits
General In the mobile applications, the back button in Team Folders now works
General In Drive, when a file is deleted before being uploaded, an “Uploaded Successful” message no longer appears
General In applicable workflows, the audit log no longer shows that a successful file delete failed
General A problem causing ServerSync to fail to import Admin permissionshas been fixed
General AutoBackup failure has been fixed
General In Drive, errors occurring when users opened/edited and saved files have been fixed
General The Reset All button has been moved to its own Reset tab in Settings
General Users can now disable automatic opening of the Drive dashboard on Windows Startup
General A problem where an empty popup was appearing for external license customers has been fixed
General In Drive, the message “”File already exists”” has been changed to “”File can’t be overwritten since versioning is disabled””
General A setting can now be modified to enable Solr to index CSV files
General The error message for a new user entered with invalid characters now explains which characters are valid
General End Date is now included in Advanced Search to include files modified on that date
General An error causing the Drive calender control for share expiration date to show all null values has been fixed
General An error causing files in Smart Mount Network folders that contained ‘&,’ to not appear in the Admin UI has been fixed
General In Drive, in the Shared dialog box, incorrect file size has been fixed
General A max file size setting has been added for metadata extraction to prevent errors
General In Drive, support for multiple languages/translations has been added
General For clarity, the Save button only appears on Customization pages after changes have been made
General In the new account form, the option to see if a username already exists has been removed for security reasons
General The “”DAYS”” tag is now supported in some of the share email templates
General A setting now enables main admins to block user admins from viewing and managing user files and shares
General If a file has a retention policy preventing its deletion, and a user tries to delete it, an error message now appears
General Now, if there is a webserver running apart from FileCloud, installation is blocked
General In Drive, when a cursor hovers over a search result, the pop-up box no longer overlaps other content
General Sync conflict listings no longer display old file versions as a live versions
General Drive can now handle large file uploads
General The Drive log-in window for Dev Auth Code no longer freezes
General When 2fa login is enabled, Drive now displays the log-in interface for 2fa by default
General Drive now preserves the original time-stamp of an uploaded file instead of overwriting it
General A problem causing some Drive files uploaded to Dreamweaver to be sent to the recycle bin has been fixed
General Managing shares is no longer available from the Team Folders recycle bin
General In Drive, Advanced Share passwords are now masked, but include an option to display them
General In Drive, a message that appeared when a user attempted to save an Excel file after it sat idle has been removed
General In Drive, an error was fixed so that edited and uploaded files are not deleted by the system
General An error causing Drive letters X, Y, and Z to not mount properly has been fixed
General Direct Link is now supported in Drive
GeneralFileCloud Drive now recognizes the mass deployment configurations in an RDS environment
GeneralUsers can now log in to Drive with a password that uses special characters
GeneralNow the last modified time shown in Drive matches the timezone set in FileCloud and the local time on the PC
GeneralThe warning Slow network speed or high number of items causing high latency in retrieving folder listing now appears in Drive when the folder being fetched contains over 1K files and folders
GeneralDrive now performs smoothly when uploading a large number of small files
GeneralFiles are now saved on MacDrive at the correct size without a permissions error
GeneralFiles are now saved on MacDrive at the correct size without a permissions error
GeneralIn MacDrive, search now begins automatically and does not required clicking Enter
GeneralIn MacDrive, a problem causing files to sometimes disappear has been fixed
GeneralRight click is now supported in MacDrive
GeneralA problem which caused MacDrive to fail to auto
Generallock Word files has been fixed
GeneralIn Drive and Sync, the DocIQ Comment Box now allows entering comments
GeneralAfter a period of time, the system now releases locks that DocIQ has placed on files
GeneralWhen Drive or Sync were installed with DocIQ, an erroneous alert displayed when a PowerPoint document was saved on the local desktop no longer appears
GeneralIf DocIQ is disabled, a user cannot change a share from public to private (or private to public)?
GeneralThe Drive, Sync, and mobile apps now have Arabic language support
GeneralServerSync and Drive have been updated to use UTF8 special encoding to prevent folders with special characters from syncing with different names
GeneralIn Sync, maximum entries in the list of unsynchronized files has been increased to 2000
GeneralIn Sync, if there is a new conflict for a file conflict listed, Sync now updates the listing rather than adding a new listing
GeneralSync conflict listings no longer display old file versions as a live versions
GeneralNormalization errors that occurred when users uploaded files through FileCloud Sync in Mac have been fixed
GeneralIn Sync, SSO login has been fixed
GeneralSync now supports and lists the languages: Arabic, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
GeneralNow, if access to a folder in Sync is denied through user permissions in the Web server, the folder is deleted from the Sync folder
GeneralIn Sync, the names of conflict files now show which other user or team also modified the file
GeneralSync now returns file modification times in UTC to ensure proper syncing
GeneralThe Outlook Plugin now supports signing in using 2fa
GeneralSSO Support has been added for he Outlook plugin
GeneralA problem causing ServerSync to fail to import Admin permissions has been fixed
GeneralServerSync no longer re-uploads deleted files
GeneralIn ServerSync, the Skipped section of the Activity tab now shows a total count of ignored/skipped files
GeneralIn ServerLink, dashboard error and status reporting has been enhanced
GeneralIn ServerLink, file timestamps are now propagated from a primary device to a secondary synced device
GeneralServerLink now sends admin emails when a critical event occurs
GeneralIn ServerLink, when a file is uploaded to a new folder name, the folder is now automatically created
GeneralServerLink API key and password settings are now masked
GeneralIn ServerLink, an issue causing a duplicate key error during syncing has been fixed
GeneralEnabling ServerLink in the Admin user interface no longer also sets auto-locking
GeneralThe DLP violation report now shows the names of the violated files as well as their metadata and attributes
GeneralFewer gettoasts calls are made during installation to improve performance
GeneralIn the Admin user interface settings, the Proxy Password is now masked
GeneralA setting has been added to improve upload speed
GeneralOn the Admin dashboard, the Statistics and Recent Access Locations widgets now include refresh buttons
GeneralTo prevent attacks, users can only set the phone number once, and then must contact their admin to change it
GeneralFor greater security, when an account is locked out, even if the 2FA code is correct, the login fails
GeneralAll special characters from the extended UTF8 alphabet are now valid in display names
GeneralOn the ICAP settings screen, the descriptions of fields are more detailed
GeneralA problem occurring when an admin added AD users with their Email
GeneralThere is now a Case-sensitive 2FA Code Comparison checkbox in 2FA settings that enables case sensitivity for 2FA codes
GeneralTo improve security, only an admin can get a full list of clients, and authorized users can only get lists of their own clients
GeneralThe OKTA browser plugin has been fixed
GeneralThere is now an option in the Detect and Delete Inactive Files workflow to delete a folder if all files in it have been deleted
GeneralIn Policies, there are now settings for enabling and disabling notifications for renamed and shared files
GeneralA user is now informed if an admin denies their new account
General patchcodelathecom now supports both http and https
GeneralNow files with over 256 characters in their path names sync to the server
GeneralNow when sending an email fails, the alert message explains that it was not sent due to an error or because the recipient was on the do not email list
GeneralAn error in multi-factor authentication when a new user logged in with an upper-case letter has been fixed
GeneralAn error caused by dragging and dropping a folder with an empty sub-directory in Team Folders has been fixed
GeneralFor User Sessions, log-in time and expiry time now appear in the same format
GeneralA public share link is now sent without the incorrect message, Some users cannot be added as user license limit is reached
GeneralWhen a user tries to log in with the wrong user name, the password is no longer displayed in the audit log
GeneralWhen a non-existent user attempts to log in, instead of the message Failed to log back into the system, the message Invalid username or password appears
GeneralA disk usage query no longer slows down the system
GeneralThe system now performs Web Edit using Collabora
GeneralSolr indexing no longer returns the error Document contains at least one immense term
GeneralClicking Escape once now clears all the checklist notifications after the admin logs in
GeneralThe Manage Share dialog box for a folder now displays Allow Manage in the Misc permissions tooltip
GeneralA default 2FA code expiration time of 600 seconds is now configured, and settings to override this default have been added to the Admin user interface
GeneralWhen a user had a large number of shares, an error causing the system to conitinually list the user’s files after log in has been fixed
GeneralAn error causing a new account to access the activites of a deleted account with the same email address has been fixed
GeneralAn error message no longer appears when a file placed in a network folder outside of FileCloud is moved to another folder within FileCloud
GeneralAn allow_overwrite parameter has been added to the move file and copy file workflow operations
GeneralUsers must now be authenticated to add users to the do not email list
GeneralUpgrade in a CentOS machine with encryption enabled now preserves encryption
GeneralThe audit logs now show the subject of the email for emails sent
GeneralThe core and admin user interface zip files no longer fail to compress javascript files
GeneralAdjustments have been made so that only meaningful notifications appear in audit logs
GeneralReport queries no longer result in large numbers of log entries
GeneralThe Metadata page now allows admins to list and add metadata to files without metadata
GeneralA user can now view an external file while the admin is logged in on the same browser
GeneralA DLP Rule created in Permissive mode no longer appears in the user interface in Enforce mode
GeneralA problem with usage of deprecated MongoDB APIs in natural sort preparation script has been fixed
GeneralA problem causing SSO Admin login to fail has been fixed
GeneralThe button labelled Resend Code in the code entry box for Admin SMS 2fa now has the correct label: Re-login
GeneralSSO Settings have been added to enable automatic account type approval and account creation via signup for specific IDPs
GeneralBandwidth information was added for multi-download operation audit entries
GeneralA problem that was causing share invitation emails to users with mixed case letters in their email IDs to fail has been fixed
GeneralIn FileCloud Online, after an admin creates a team folder, a message now reminds them to give their users access to it
GeneralFileCloud Drive now use FCFS instead of Fuse Users no longer have to install Fuse separately
GeneralA problem causing some Drive files uploaded to Dreamweaver to be sent to the recycle bin has been fixed


CodeLathe Technologies Inc.
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Limerick, Ireland

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