NetworkChuck’s FileCloud Review Surpasses 1M Views in Months

November 24, 2023

NetworkChuck is an IT influencer and teacher. He has inspired countless people to pursue careers in IT, adopt a growth mentality, and prepare for certifications. In June, NetworkChuck released a video review of FileCloud’s main enterprise product in comparison to Nextcloud. He also showed viewers how to build their own private cloud with FileCloud Community […]

NetworkChuck is an IT influencer and teacher. He has inspired countless people to pursue careers in IT, adopt a growth mentality, and prepare for certifications. In June, NetworkChuck released a video review of FileCloud's main enterprise product in comparison to Nextcloud. He also showed viewers how to build their own private cloud with FileCloud Community Edition. The reaction to the video was widespread and largely positive from the outset, and now, just a few months later, it has surpassed over 1 million views on YouTube. The video also has 33K likes from viewers, as well as generating lively commentary and debate, with almost 1,500 comments.

This huge interest in a video about FileCloud's hyper-secure enterprise file share and sync (EFSS) solution indicates a growing awareness among IT professionals that consumer-grade cloud storage and collaboration solutions are no longer sufficient to guarantee enterprise data security. Many regard building a private on-premises cloud as the way forward.

We're now in a global environment in which data is highly vulnerable to cyber-attacks. With its flexible deployment options, multiple integrations, and numerous security layers, FileCloud is gaining ground as a secure alternative to what NetworkChuck refers to as the "triad" of Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive.

1 Million Views for NetworkChuck's FileCloud Review

Why Does NetworkChuck's Opinion Matter?

After starting with a small channel documenting his burgeoning career as an IT Manager, NetworkChuck grew his YouTube following steadily. In just a few years, he had reached over 3.5 million subscribers and become a full-time online instructor.

This success has been largely down to the depth of his practical knowledge and experience, combined with his infectious passion for his subject matter. In terms of IT, NetworkChuck is the real deal. His online charisma and staying power are fully supported by substantial, hard-core IT know-how.  His fluency in the area of building private cloud solutions is a case in point. This expertise is fully recognized by his loyal followers. He also runs the NetworkChuck Academy, a further extension of his passion for making complex IT skills accessible.

These days, millions of IT professionals trust NetworkChuck to teach them about networking, cybersecurity, and setting up home labs, among other subjects. His tutorials help people prepare for vital certifications, such as Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA); CompTIA A+, Network+, and Security+; and much more.

NetworkChuck Reviews FileCloud

NetworkChuck Talking About FileCloud

The Verdict on FileCloud's Private Cloud Solution

In the video, NetworkChuck reviews FileCloud's main enterprise product in comparison to Nextcloud. Additionally, he guides viewers through the steps required to build their own private cloud with FileCloud Community Edition. He emphasizes the fact that FileCloud offers security features unavailable in several mainstream consumer-grade file-sharing solutions. This provides users and enterprises with a unique level of control over what happens to their data.

In particular, NetworkChuck expresses enthusiasm for FileCloud's compliance and data governance features. These include the ability to set expiration dates on downloads, set limits on download amounts, and use Zero Trust File SharingSM. His video also features FileCloud's flexible deployment options and seamless integration capabilities.

Audience Responses to the FileCloud Video

The viewers' reaction to the video reflects a widespread, ever-increasing interest among IT enthusiasts in safeguarding data. Engagement with the concept of secure, on-premises file-sharing solutions is clearly deep and growing. Enterprises and consumers are realizing that the current go-to triad of solutions (Dropbox, OneDrive, and Google Drive) do not always guarantee privacy.

Thank you for the excellent tutorials! I've been thinking of setting up a home lab and your videos persuaded me to get started in that. First thing I did was setup FileCloud on prem and I'm loving it.


Holy cow, here I am with Nextcloud on an OVH box. But this looks way better than Nextcloud which I barely used for data and more for an email client. Time to learn AWS for once! This is super cool! I was able to set it up on prem at my house in less than an hour.


This rocks! I been wanting to dump the triad for a while now! And didn’t want to blow the $$ on a NAS. Most excellent!


Great video. I love learning about things I can apply to enterprise.


Thank you so much! Since 2 weeks I'm contemplating on switching from dropbox to self-hosted alternatives and this video sealed the deal!

NetworkChuck on FileCloud

It's really, really powerful and really, really secure. That's why they're big in government, finance, and education.

You have full control of your stuff, of your data, and it's private. And then this is just incredible; I've been wanting this from Google Drive and Dropbox forever and they just don't do it. They have hyper-secure file sharing...What that means is, when you share a file, password protect it, limit the time it's allowed to be downloaded, limit the amount of downloads that can occur. Create a file, say you can only download it until next week, and you can only download it one time. That's killer, right?!

I love FileCloud because they're enterprise; they target large companies. And I love that you can install it on Windows. I think it's probably one of the only host your own cloud solutions out there that installs on Windows, which is why companies love it, right!

NetworkChuck Shows FileCloud's Admin Dashboard

NetworkChuck Enthusing About FileCloud

Want to Build a Private Cloud? Try FileCloud for Free Now

FileCloud has been fielding many inquiries about both our online and on-premises solutions as a result of NetworkChuck's video. Our solution experts love to talk to people about FileCloud and answer their questions.

If you're an enterprise requiring full control over your data and you'd like to learn more, schedule a demo with an expert. Alternatively, you can try FileCloud for yourself with a free, no-strings trial.





Written by Deirdre Clancy, Technical Content and Communication Manager

By Team FileCloud